1. 7 Things i want to do in lifetime : -* Bungee jumping.
* Write a novel of my own.
* Gift life to an orphan girl, provide her education and a good living.
* Do a mind blowing dance performance on stage, something not easily forgotten.
* Visit all countries (atleast a lot of them), to travel, to photograph, to enjoy, to learn.
* Place "Dr." Before my name
* Open a sunday school, for children to have fun, to learn what is absent in schools and leave their TVs and PCs for a while.
2. 7 Things i can do : -* Listen to music 24X7
* Speak up against unfair treatment
* Kiss in a public place
* Talk non-stop for hours
* Smile at a stranger and get a smile in return.
* Go on doing things i wanto do, even if people criticise or dissaprove
* Appreciate beautiful things, man made as well as nature's :)
3. 7 Things i can't do : -* Believe in a supreme power controlling our lives.
* Love unconditionally
* Talking to a hypocrite person
* Remember everyone's bdays and anniversaries
* Do something just to please someone or for money alone
* Hang in the air while holding onto something overhead, My grip is too bad..
* Harm someone for my own interests
4. 7 Things that attract me to other person : -* Smile
* Expressive eyes
* Intelligence
* Laid back ease in attitude
* Broad-minded thinking
* Display of affection
* Dancing skills
5. 7 My secrets : -* I can prepare good meals, even though i literally hate cooking
* Its difficult for me to see good points of anything/anyone "before" I notice the negative ones, i guess, that way i appreciate positive things better.
* Forgive everyone very soon, I myself cannot remain hurt for long
* I think a lot, sometimes making a small problem into a big one, just because i imagine its going to be bad
* I painting skills have ecome pathetic.. Its been a long time since i painted something with watercolors. I have almost forgotten how to merge colors on canvas, maybe it'll comeback when i start painting regularly
* I like playing flash
* I catch cold if i remain in airconditioned room for long..
6. 7 People i care : -* Papa
* Mumma
* My brothers
* Sush
* Abhi
* My best fren from school
* Pri
7. 7 People i want to take up this tag : -anyone who feels like doing this is welcome :)