Saturday 23 February 2013

Six things that made me happy today

Just thought i should give it a go after reading it here. So here goes the list-

1. Took an afternoon nap for a couple of hours.Felt so so so relaxed!! Usually i am completing house chores when my daughter sleeps and so dont get time to sleep in the day myself.. And on weekends, we are usually out somewhere..

2. There were lovely snow flurries *out* of my window.. LOVE to see them from the warmth of my house.

3. Did speed shopping and actually managed to buy things i needed and wanted for me and my daughter. Thanks to my afternoon nap, had only an hour before the shops close!

4. My weekly domestic lady gave me call late evening that she is stuck somewhere and if i wouldn't mind if she comes tomorrow morning. I usually do mind when people change plans at the last minute *on weekends*, but i actually enjoyed her off by using up ALL the hot water and taking a deep long dip! Whats the big deal, well, she wants hot water or wont work, we have timed water heater which works only at nights and my darling daughter doesnot let me take a dip whenever i want. You get the picture :)

5. I baked a cake after a long time. Tried the lemon flavour after eating one in starbucks recently. My cake was only half as good, but the smell of home baked cake is pure bliss.

6. My hubby darling took an off yesterday (for our anniversary), So right now it feels like our  usual 2-day weekend is over. I have to remind myself its sunday tomorrow and everytime i do that, i have to smile :)

 Click here for details about the Birthday candy for my daughter, which is running on my blog


  1. Haha nice... thanks for that little snapshot into your life... have a great day :)

  2. Here to wish you little one a Happy Birthday! In the daily hustle bustle I couldnt post her card in time..maybe for next year! Did you guys have a share the happy photos!

  3. Hi Kishley, wish you a good & pleasant day! Happy belated birthday & may all your dreams come through! I've given you an award, do check on my blog.
    Hugs, Marge :)
